


vara incepe de cu seara,
vara incepe cand luminile se sting
  si visele isi incep sborul de liliac,
vara incepe cand lumanarile cerului
  palpaie pe muzica de pian.

vara e rosie si portocalie
vara e galbena si verde,
vara e gri si albastra.

vara e polen in nas,
vara e cercei din cirese,
vara e pepene ca zaharul - dar mai bun -
vara e apa sarata.

valuri de vara se opresc in golful 
sufletului meu unde pescarusii 
isi construiesc cuiburi pe case rogvaiv

vara e explozie!


Collage no.2

Live life on the fast lane, baby!
Error... Does not compute...
How to create life out of nothingness?
This doesn't make sense
Take a walk on the wild side
It's almost Friday, I could be in love
And why not?
Ever seen an asteroid?
The italian espresso experience
Hold the ice, please
Remember Alan? The one with the psychedelic breakfast
Money makes the world go around
I heard from a very reliable source that you like to dance!
End of thought process...
This starts off kind of quiet
Lost in a Roman, wilderness of pain
Will we live enough to see the end of it?
All the children are insane
It comes out of the swamps, narrow and hard to master
Thank you!
Words dissemble, words be quick, words resemble walking sticks
Need you help!
This is the end of it fella!
You know my name, not my story...



I can't take my eyes off of you
Love hides in the strangest places
Let's reinvent the god and all the myths of the ages
Cats are amazing animals and humans aren't
Feeling doesn't make you happy,
Thinking doesn't make you happy,
Observing doesn't make you happy,
Acting might.
Feel free to roam the streets,
Free feeling to everybody!
Words got me the wounds and will get me well.If you believe it...
Smoking kills if you don't get the Lucky Strike.
I'm hearing voices that I long to hear. I want them for myself and get them not for me.
The boat that rocked
Music inflames temperament
Smiles to the world from the fountain of youth.
Champagne Supernova
Will you die for me?
I want you to set me free!
This is a classical, should we call it Beethoven?
Diamonds are a girls best friends and feelings aren't
Should we take the long way around?
You know, Toto, I think we're a bit lost
All the king's horses and all the king's men could never glue this heart back again
Writing is the next best thing
Aren't we supposed to be someplace else, in another time?
I refuse to have a battle of wits with an unarmed person
In the long run, I got tired
Whatever you do, make it meaningful
Never let the stars go blind on me, again
Shaken, not stirred
Are we there yet?
This is the end


Copil salbatic!

iti aduci aminte cand eram in Africa
si nu ne temeam decat de animalele
cand propria noastra "salbaticiune"
era drumul spre civilizatie?
cand priveam de pe culmi
intrebandu-ne ce se ascunde dupa
urmatotul val?
cand, entuziasmati, asteptam sa aruncam
cu pietre iar un tip, usor antipatic,
a strigat: "sa arunce primul acela fara
cand eram pe Pinta, tu pe catarg
strigand: "pamant, pamant!",
eu cu privirea pierduta, usor 
iti amintesti cand strigam cele trei
cuvinte magice: "libertate, egalitate,
cand i-am raspuns comandantului
ca poate sa-si ia razboiul si sa si-l 

as vrea ca maine sa te intreb daca
iti aduci aminte de ziua de ieri.
dar zilele nu mai au demult insemnatate.

tu ma privesti prin cele doua 
caleidoscoape antice.

"iti ador zambetul!"



Nu stii de ce mi-am imaginat
ca ai putea functiona altfel?
Pentru ca zambesti frumos si
ochii tai nu au o cautatura
Sau pentru felul in care iti
porti parul cu atata grija 
de parca l-ai picta in fiecare
Sa fie strambaturile tale
in care imi imaginez copii
Poate logica ta lipsita
de orice fel de 

Sunt momentele in care ma 
scoti din sarite; atunci cand
logica mea oricat de bine 
intemeiata se darama de parca
n-ar fi fost de la un cuvant.
Si nici macar atat. De 
multe ori o privire e 

De-asta mi-am imaginat
ca, poate, tu functionezi 